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Green Cities Europe conference


29.06.2022 Congress Pavilion, Floriade Expo, Amsterdam - Almere

Green Cities Europe conference

From European, national and urban goals to their realisation in practice: how can we use green cities to contribute to SDGs, the Green Deal, and other climate and livability goals?

During this conference, we will briefly look at the scientifically proven effects of trees and plants on heat, water, health, air quality and biodiversity. Then, various institutions and companies will present us with progressive, but feasible and realised example projects. The aim of the conference is to clearly outline the task and then to inspire with concrete, proven solutions.

Steven Delva, elected as Architect of the Year 2021, explains how he connects knowledge and parties in order to realise leading green concepts that create impact and generate money.

Please mark in your diary: 29 JUNE, 10.00 – 14.30 HRS.

Location: Congress Pavilion, Floriade Expo, Amsterdam – Almere. Expect 45 minutes for the shuttle bus and walking time between parking and the conference location.

Cost: There is no participation fee for the congress. Entrance to the Floriade is included and after the congress there is an opportunity to visit the world horticultural exhibition. Given these arrangements, participation is restricted to relevant professionals.

Questions? For all practical matters, please contact the office via or, in case of urgency, via +31 621 887655. 

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10.00 – 10.15 – Kick off

Chairman of ENA – Henk Raaijmakers

Chairman of the day – Kim Coppes

10.15 – 11.45 – The added value of green, diverse and scientifically proven

  • Heat reduction & Air quality – J.A. (Jelle) Hiemstra Senior scientist Trees en Urban Green, Wageningen University & Research

  • Water management and Food – drs. M.B.M. (Marc) Ravesloot Senior scientist Agrosystems science, Wageningen University & Research

  • Health end Learning and work performance – dr. J. (Jolanda) Maas Associate professor Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, VU Amsterdam

  • Value of green in (social) living enviroment – dr. J.E.M. (Judith) Klostermann Researcher Policy Processes, Wageningen University & Research

  • Biodiversity – Karin Albers – Naturio

11.45 – 12.15 – Break (a sandwich and a drink)

12.15 – 14.15 – The added value of green, applicable everywhere

  • Growing trees where it seems impossible – Pieter van den Berk General manager, Van den Berk Boomkwekerijen

  • Green against walls and on roofs, inside and outside – Annelies Kieboom Marketing director, Mobilane

  • Endless flowering for a biodiversity boost – Paul Weidema Project manager, Stadswerk072 Alkmaar

  • Green returns on the most expensive real estate area in the world Hannah Roberts and Sandra Dilberovska – Except Integrated sustainability

  • The ‘Green as a Service’ model for quality, financing and cooperation – Ron Kervezee Program leader Zero Emission Citydistribution, Municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn

  • Leading green concepts that create impact and generate money – Steven Delva Landscape Architect, Delva Landscape Architecture and Urbanism. Architect of the year 2021

14.15 – 14.30 – Wind-up by Kim Coppes and end of the program

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Kim Coppes – Chairman of the day

Kim is a much sought-after chairman, debate leader, interviewer and trainer in communication and communication conversation techniques.

Jelle Hiemstra – Wageningen University & Research

The functioning and health of trees are the common thread in my professional career. As a researcher into trees and urban greenery, I have worked on a variety of subjects, including the functions and benefits of greenery.

Marc Ravesloot – Wageningen University & Research

Botanical Ecologist. Current projects are mainly focused on the Green & Well-being Theme. Examples are green reintegration, intervention development aimed at lifestyle changes in primary school students (Fruit4Schools), hospital gardening and green sustainable urban development.

Jolanda Maas – VU Amsterdam

Associate Professor. Worked on researching the importance of nature on people’s health. With a focus on schools and healthcare institutions.

Judith Klostermann (PhD) – Wageningen University & Research

Senior researcher, part of the Climate Resilience team. She works in the domains of adaptation to climate change, coastal management, environment and sustainability. Her main fields of expertise are policy science, governance, and stakeholder involvement.

Karin Albers – Naturio

Shares its more than 20 years of experience on ecology with a broad target group; from policy maker and landscape architect to manager and teacher.

Pieter van den Berk – Van den Berk Boomkwekerijen

General manager of a 450-hectare tree nursery. Landscape architects, green contractors, project developers and horticulturalists from 35 countries apply the trees to the most diverse projects.

Annelies Kieboom – Mobilane

The functioning and health of trees are the common thread in my professional career. As a researcher into trees and urban greenery, I have worked on a variety of subjects, including the functions and benefits of greenery.

Paul Weidema – Stadswerk072 Alkmaar

We keep Alkmaar attractive and liveable. We maintain and also re-design the public space. Projects should be climate adaptive and consist of sustainable greenery with rich biodiversity. We can do this by radically changing the way we think, design and plan for our city.

Hannah Roberts and Sandra Dilberovska – Except

Hannah delivers evidence-based knowledge and ideas to contribute to the sustainability transformation, with a particular interest in nature-based solutions. Sandra uses data science to identify problems and recommend solutions. She aims to use a system thinking and holistic impact-based approach to help create sustainable solutions.

Ron Kervezee – Municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn

Alphen aan den Rijn wants to be a leader in the field of Sustainability. Together with retailers, the city is making the inner city greener. ‘Green as a Service’ is being developed as an innovative method.

Steven Delva – Delva Landscape Architecture and Urbanism

Steven built up his expertise with projects that tackle major current challenges, such as sustainability, ecology and the changing meaning of the public domain. The office is convinced of the power of working with nature’s systematics to tackle the current challenges of the 21st century. Steven turns the design process upside down and any radical landscapes for people, nature and the economy. Delva was named Architect of the Year in 2021.


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