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Forum Wood Building Nordic


Forum Wood Building Nordic 2023 will take place in Växjö. Photo: Växjö kommun
27.09.2023 - 29.09.2023 Växjö, Sweden

Forum Wood Building Nordic

The 12th Forum Wood Building Nordic focuses on the fast-changing wood building environment. The wood building sector has claimed its place in the construction industry long time ago and is currently accelerating in an unheard-of pace. Wood is an indispensable building material and each year, more new actors enter the industry as they discover the benefits of using wood in construction. This accelerates the progress: new technologies, innovations, strategic benefits, digitalization…Are you still keeping up?

Topics to be covered at this year’s conference are dealing with technical issues in building physics like structures, sound, vibrations and connectors. Furthermore, areas like product development for automation, hybrid systems, wood bioeconomy, city development and wood as the perfect green partner are presented as well.

WBN is the leading conference for wood building in the Nordic countries and part of the international Forum-Holzbau organization. The conference brings together academics and practitioners to exchange experiences and learn the latest developments in the field, featuring lectures by international speakers accompanied by an exhibition where different organizations present their latest products and services. Industry, scientific research communities and building authorities will come together to learn, find inspiration and exchange experiences.

Maja Persson from LRF Trädgård/Green Cities will present the importance of greenery on the 29th of September. The presentation is in English.


Aalto University (FI)
Berner Fachhochschule, Biel/Bienne (CH)
Hochschule Rosenheim, Rosenheim (DE)
Technische Universität Wien, Wien (AT)
Technische Universität München, München (DE)
University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George (CA)

Swedish co-organizers

Linnaeus university

The Swedish Wood Building Council
Supportive organizations

LFM30 – Netto noll CO2-utsläpp till 2030

Trästad Sverige – Wood City Sweden

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